So I am in the process of moving, yet again. I forgot how much I despise moving. I am once again downsizing and tossing the things I really don't need. One thing that constantly seems to accumulate every place that I go is my cookbook collection and my Martha Magazines. Yes, I collect Martha Stewart Magazines. Don't judge, she is a genius. As I am packing up my boxes of cookbooks I noticed a few big gaps in my collection.
The Cookbooks that I want… and So should you!
-Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Vol 1 &2. Julia Child
-Momofuku. David Chang
-Ad Hoc at Home. Thomas Keller
-Crust & Crumb. Peter Reinhart
-The Flavor Bible. Karen Page…
-The Craft of Baking. Karen Demasco
-Dessert Fourplay. Johnny Iuzzini
-Desserts. Pierre Herme
-Amy’s Bread. Amy Scherber
-How Baking Works. Paula Figoni
And the Book of my Dreams!
-LA PATISSERIE DE PIERRE HERME (The Patisserie of Pierre Herme). Pierre Herme
These are just a few on my list. I don't think there is a blog long enough to contain my entire list.